
Alport syndrome biobank findability test collection Eval button


Alport syndrome biobank from BBMRI-ERIC catalogue. To be used for testing the findability of digital objects related to rare disease research. Relevant for the rare disease community.

Contact: 0000-0003-0169-8159

Organization: LUMC

Deprecated?: false

Has been loaded with the following FAIR Maturity Indicator Tests:

1 : FAIR Metrics Gen2- Unique Identifier

2 : FAIR Metrics Gen2 - Identifier Persistence

3 : FAIR Metrics Gen2 - Data Identifier Persistence

4 : FAIR Metrics Gen2 - Structured Metadata

5 : FAIR Metrics Gen2 - Grounded Metadata

6 : FAIR Metrics Gen2 - Data Identifier Explicitly In Metadata

7 : FAIR Metrics Gen2- Metadata Identifier Explicitly In Metadata

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