Completed Evaluation of /10.25504/FAIRsharing.xp1x9c

Title: ANISEED - R

R1.1: FAIR Metrics Gen2 - Metadata Includes License (strong)

Date: 2021-04-28T14:37:19+00:00
Score: 0
Comment: INFO: TEST VERSION 'Hvst-1.4.0:Tst-0.2.2' CRITICAL: The guid '/10.25504/FAIRsharing.xp1x9c' did not correspond to any known GUID format. Tested ["inchi", "doi", "handle1", "handle2", "uri"]. Halting. INFO: END OF HARVESTING FAILURE: The identifier /10.25504/FAIRsharing.xp1x9c did not match any known identification system.

R1.1: FAIR Metrics Gen2 - Metadata Includes License (weak)

Date: 2021-04-28T14:37:22+00:00
Score: 0
Comment: INFO: TEST VERSION 'Hvst-1.4.0:Tst-0.2.1' CRITICAL: The guid '/10.25504/FAIRsharing.xp1x9c' did not correspond to any known GUID format. Tested ["inchi", "doi", "handle1", "handle2", "uri"]. Halting. INFO: END OF HARVESTING FAILURE: The identifier /10.25504/FAIRsharing.xp1x9c did not match any known identification system.

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